Who Are We?

We are a church committed to living CHRIST LIKE in every aspect of our lives, dedicating our life, personality, and possessions to the lordship of CHRIST. Grounded in the belief that the Bible is God's holy and inspired word, our principles are drawn from its teachings, with a focus on Worship, Christian Education, Fellowship, and Outreach, aligning with Acts 2:42.

Our message, rooted in a literal interpretation of the entire Bible, is aimed at both young and old, confident that presenting and obeying God's truths glorifies Him and meets humanity's needs. As a body of believers, Christ First Christian Fellowship Center is on a mission to make disciples.

Our Vision Statement
  • Empowered congregation of Christian believer’s who use Matthew 6:33 as a model for Christian living,

  • Men enabled and empowered by the Word of God to be leader’s in the church, head of their households, Godly fathers to their children raising them up in the admonition of the Lord and loving husbands to their wives, loving them as Christ loved the church

  • Women living as virtuous wives respecting their husband as unto the Lord, and educating and teaching their children to honor and obey their parents so that they may live long purposeful lives,

  • Singles engaged in missionary work to bring those who may have otherwise never come to know the Savior

  • Believer’s positively impacting our homes, neighborhoods, communities and society as a whole in a way that glorifies God.

  • Tear down Denominational boundaries to enable liberty in worshipping with all Christians

Fear Can Not Stay Where Faith Resides